Mapping exposures of EU banks to the global shadow banking system

Abad, J, D'Errico, M, Killeen, N, Luz, V, Peltonen, T, Portes, R and Urbano, T (2021) Mapping exposures of EU banks to the global shadow banking system. Journal of Banking and Finance, 134 (106168). ISSN 0378-4266 OPEN ACCESS


This paper provides a unique snapshot of the asset exposures of EU banks to shadow banking entities within the global financial system. Drawing on a rich and novel dataset, we show that 60 per cent of the EU banks’ exposures are towards non-EU entities, particularly US-domiciled shadow banking entities. We assess the degree of concentration across different types of shadow banking counterparties. We show that while banks’ exposures are diversified at the individual level, this diversification leads to high overlap across different types of shadow banking entities, with consequent systemic risk. We also examine how bank- and country-level characteristics relate to the exposures of EU banks to shadow banking entities. Our results emphasise the importance of monitoring these cross-border and cross-sector exposures and closing remaining data gaps.

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Item Type: Article
Subject Areas: Economics
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© 2021 Elsevier BV

Date Deposited: 19 May 2021 14:53
Date of first compliant deposit: 14 May 2021
Subjects: Banks
Financial risk
Financial reporting
International financial markets
Last Modified: 27 Feb 2025 13:01

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