Items where Subject is "Investment funds"

- LBS taxonomy (1239)
- Investment funds (15)
Camanho, N, Hau, H and Rey, H
Global Portfolio Rebalancing and Exchange Rates.
Review of Financial Studies, 35 (11).
pp. 5228-5274.
ISSN 0893-9454
DeMiguel, V, Gil-Bazo, J, Nogales, F J and Santos, A A P
Machine Learning and Fund Characteristics Help to Select Mutual Funds with Positive Alpha.
Journal of Financial Economics, 150 (3).
p. 103737.
ISSN 0304-405X
Dushnitsky, G and Fitza, M
Are we missing the platforms for the crowd? Comparing investment drivers across multiple crowdfunding platforms.
Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 10 (e00100).
ISSN 2352-6734
Friewald, N, Hennessy, C and Jankowitsch, R
Secondary Market Liquidity and Security Design: Theory and Evidence from ABS Markets.
Review of Financial Studies, 29 (5).
pp. 1254-1290.
ISSN 0893-9454
Gomes, F, Michaelides, A and Zhang, Y
Tactical target date funds.
Management Science, 68 (4).
pp. 3047-3070.
ISSN 0025-1909
Kacperczyk, O (2012) Opportunity structures in established firms: entrepreneurship versus intrapreneurship in mutal funds. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57 (3). pp. 484-521. ISSN 0001-8392
Kanze, D, Conley, M A, Okimoto, T G, Phillips, D J and Merluzzi, J
Evidence that investors penalize female founders for lack of industry fit.
Science Advances, 6 (48).
ISSN 2375-2548
Kim, M (2019) Essays on financial intermediation. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Lines, Anton (2017) Essays on institutional investors. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Minio Paluello, Carolina
UK closed-end fund discount.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Palhares, D and Richardson, S A
Looking under the Hood of Active Credit Managers.
Financial Analysts Journal, 76 (2).
pp. 82-102.
ISSN 0015-198X
Servaes, H and Sigurdsson, K
The Costs and Benefits of Performance Fees in Mutual Funds.
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 50 (100959).
ISSN 1042-9573
Sigurdsson, Kari
Essays on mutual funds and stock lending.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Valnek, Tomas
Essays on mutual and stock financial intermediaries.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Young, Trevor (2021) Essays in empirical and behavioral asset pricing. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.