Items where Year is 2004

Acharya, V and Yorulmazer, T (2004) A theory of procyclical bank herding. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Agarwal, V, Daniel, N D and Naik, N (2004) Flows, performance, and managerial incentives in hedge funds. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for Hedge Fund Research and Education Working Paper.
Ambler, T (2004) New dominant logic of marketing: views of the elephant. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for Marketing Working Paper.
Ambler, TFJ (2004) Does the UK promotion of food and drink to children contribute to their obesity? Working Paper. London Business School Centre for Marketing Working Paper.
Ambler, TFJ, Chittenden, F and Obodovski, M (2004) Are regulators raising their game?: UK regulatory impact assessments in 2002/3. Working Paper. London Business School nan.
Andrienko, Y and Guriev, SG (2004) Determinants of interregional mobility in Russia. Economics of Transition, 12 (1). pp. 1-27. ISSN 0967-0750
Bennett, J and Estrin, S et al (2004) Privatisation methods and economic growth. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Bhaumik, S K, Estrin, S and Meyer, K E (2004) Determinants of employment growth at MNEs: Evidence from Egypt, India, South Africa and Vietnam. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Bhaumik, S K and Gelb, S (2004) Determinants of MNCs' mode of entry into emerging markets: some evidence from South Africa and Egypt. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Bhaumik, S K and Piesse, J (2004) A closer look at banks’ behaviour in emerging credit markets? Evidence from the Indian banking industry. Working Paper. London Business School Aditya V. Birla India Centre Working Paper Series.
Birkinshaw, J, Bouquet, C and Morrison, A (2004) Determinants and performance implications of global mindset: an attention-based perspective. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Chen, N, Imbs, J and Scott, A (2004) Competition, globalization, and the decline of inflation. Working Paper. London Business School Economics Discussion Paper Series.
Cornelius, P (2004) Growth, capital and governance: the challenge of financing Russia’s investment. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Cornelli, F, Goldreich, CD and Ljungqvist, A (2004) Investor sentiment and pre-issue markets. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Dimson, E and Stolin, D (2004) Who will live and who will die? The determinants of common stock attrition. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Dow, J and Raposo, C (2004) Can entrenched lame ducks be optimal? An economic model of leadership and organizational change. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Fridgeirsdottir, K and Akella, R (2004) Product portfolio and capacity management: a queueing approach. Working Paper. London Business School Decision Sciences Working Paper.
Fridgeirsdottir, K and Chiu, S (2004) Demand management in delay-sensitive markets. Working Paper. London Business School Decision Sciences Working Paper.
Fridgeirsdottir, K and Chiu, S (2004) Note on convexity of the expected delay cost in single server queues. Working Paper. London Business School Decision Sciences Working Paper.
Goldreich, CD (2004) Behavioral biases of dealers in US Treasury auctions. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Goldreich, CD (2004) Underpricing in discriminatory and uniform-price Treasury auctions. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Gromb, D and Martimort, D (2004) Organization of delegated expertise. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Guriev, SG (2004) Red tape and corruption. Journal of Development Economics, 73 (2). pp. 489-504. ISSN 0304-3878
Guriev, SG and Kvassov, D (2004) Barter for price discrimination. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22 (3). pp. 329-350. ISSN 0167-7187
Habib, M and Mella-Barral, J K (2004) The Role of Knowhow Acquisition in the Formation and Duration of Joint Ventures. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Hill, S A, Birkinshaw, J and Murray, G (2004) Corporate venture unit structure, practices and performance: adoption of venture capital models to the corporate context. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Ioanescu, D, Meyer, K E and Estrin, S (2004) Institutional distance and interantional business strategies in Emerging Economies. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Jiltsov, Alexei
Essays in financial economics.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Koenigsberg, O, Muller, E and Vilcassim, N (2004) easyJet Airlines: small, lean, and with prices that increase over time. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for Marketing Working Paper.
Lee, Ji-Hwan
Exploring the relationship between diversification and performance in Korea: are Chaebols any different from Western conglomerates?
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Liberti, J (2004) Initiative, incentives and soft information: how does delegation impact the role of bank relationship managers? Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Mandal, Abhijit
Evolution of competitive advantage from the dynamics and context of resources.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Meyer, K E, Estrin, S and Bhaumik, S (2004) Greenfield versus cooperative entry in emerging economies. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Meyer, K E and Thi, Thu Tran Y (2004) Entry and growth strategies for emerging markets. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Rallis, Nicholas
Intertemporally dependent preferences: the link between asset pricing, the term structure and the market portfolio.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Riley, Debra
Choice of standards as a competitive strategy in high tech markets: a cross sectional study of UK businesses creation.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Stern, J and Cubbin, J (2004) Regulatory Effectiveness: the impact of good regulatory governance on electricity industry capacity and efficiency in developing countries. Working Paper. London Business School Regulation Initiative Working Paper Series.
Strebulaev, I
Essays in financial economics.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Vachani, S and Smith, N C (2004) Socially responsible pricing: lessons from the pricing of AIDS drugs in developing countries. Working Paper. London Business School nan.
Voss, C A and Sousa, R (2004) Service quality in multi-channel services employing virtual channels. Working Paper. London Business School nan.
Warr, Alan
Study of the relationships of strategic information system planning (SISP) approaches, objectives and context with SISP success within UK organisations.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Yip, GS and Aguilera, R (2004) How national corporate governance systems affect global integration. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.