Items where Subject is "Top management"

- LBS taxonomy (1239)
- Top management (10)
Bertini, M, Koenigsberg, O and Halbheer, D (2014) Claiming the credit. Business Strategy Review, 25 (1). p. 8. ISSN 0955-6419
Bianchi, E C and Mohliver, A
Do Good Times Breed Cheats? Prosperous Times Have Immediate and Lasting Implications for CEO Misconduct.
Organization Science, 27 (6).
pp. 1488-1503.
ISSN 1047-7039
Cable, D and Vermeulen, F (2016) Stop paying executives for performance. Harvard Business Review. ISSN 0017-8012
Carter, M E, Franco, F and Gine, M (2017) Executive gender pay gaps: the roles of board diversity and female risk aversion. Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (2). pp. 1232-1264. ISSN 0823-9150
Dimopoulos, Theodosios
Managerial incentives in corporate decisions.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Edmans, A, Fang, V and Lewellen, K
Equity Vesting and Investment.
Review of Financial Studies, 30 (7).
pp. 2229-2271.
ISSN 0893-9454
Edmans, A and Gabaix, X
Executive compensation : a modern primer.
Journal of Economic Literature, 54 (4).
pp. 1232-1287.
ISSN 0022-0515
Otto, C
Executive compensation and corporate governance.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Peterson, R S (2014) Beyond control. Business Strategy Review, 25 (1). pp. 79-81. ISSN 0955-6419
Ranganathan, Ramya
Meeting the competing goals of CSR: exploring the potential of value diversity in teams.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.