Items where Subject is "Health service"

- LBS taxonomy (1239)
- Health service (31)
Arifoglu, K, Ren, H and Tezcan, T
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program does not provide the right incentives: issues and remedies.
Management Science, 67 (4).
pp. 2191-2210.
ISSN 0025-1909
Bertsimas, D, Pauphilet, J, Stevens, J and Tandon, M
Predicting inpatient flow at a major hospital using interpretable analytics.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24 (6).
pp. 2809-2824.
ISSN 1523-4614
Bertsimas, Dimitris, Boussioux, Leonard, Cory Wright, Ryan, Delarue, Arthur, Digalakis, Vassilis, Jacquillat, Alexandre, Lahlou Kitane, Driss, Lukin, Galit, Li, Michael L, Mingardi, Luca, Nohadani, Omid, Orfanoudaki, Agni, Papalexopoulos, Theodore, Paskov, Ivan, Pauphilet, J, Skali Lami, Omar, Stellato, Bartolomeo, Tazi Bouardi, Hamza, Villalobos Carballo, Kimberly, Wiberg, Holly and Zeng, Cynthia
From predictions to prescriptions: A data-driven response to COVID-19.
Health Care Management Science, 24.
pp. 253-272.
ISSN 1386-9620
Botti, S, Morwitz, V G and Gurdamar-Okutur, N
Advance Care Plans: Planning for Critical Healthcare Decisions.
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7 (2).
ISSN 2378-1815
Cunningham, C, Hanley, G E and Morgan, S (2010) Patterns in the use of benzodiazepines in British Columbia: examining the impact of increasing research and guideline cautions against long-term use. Health Policy, 97 (2-3). pp. 122-129. ISSN 0168-8510
Cunningham, C, Hanley, G E and Morgan, S G (2011) Income inequities in end-of-life health care spending in British Columbia, Canada: a cross-sectional analysis, 2004-2006. International Journal for Equity in Health, 10 (12). ISSN 1475-9276
Delana, K, Deo, S, Ramdas, K, Subburaman, G-B B and Ravilla, T
Multichannel delivery in healthcare: the impact of telemedicine centres in Southern India.
Management Science, 69 (5).
pp. 2568-2586.
ISSN 0025-1909
Ely, J, Galeotti, A, Jann, O and Steiner, J
Optimal test allocation.
Journal of Economic Theory, 193.
p. 105236.
ISSN 0022-0531
Freeman, M, Savva, N and Scholtes, S
Economies of Scale and Scope in Hospitals: An Empirical Study of Volume Spillovers.
Management Science, 67 (2).
pp. 673-697.
ISSN 0025-1909
Freeman, M, Savva, N and Scholtes, S
Gatekeepers at Work: An Empirical Analysis of a Maternity Unit.
Management Science, 63 (10).
pp. 3147-3167.
ISSN 0025-1909
Kamali, M, Tezcan, T and Yildiz, O
When to Use Provider Triage in Emergency Departments.
Management Science, 65 (3).
pp. 1003-1019.
ISSN 0025-1909
Koijen, R, Philipson, T J and Uhlig, H (2016) Financial health economics. Econometrica, 84 (1). pp. 195-242. ISSN 1468-0262
Leung, N-H Z, Chen, A and Gallien, J
The impact of inventory management on stock-outs of essential drugs in Sub-Saharan Africa: secondary analysis of a field experiment in Zambia.
PLoS ONE, 11 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Mohliver, A and Ody-Bresier, A
Religious Affiliation and Wrongdoing: Evidence from U.S. Nursing Homes.
Management Science, 69 (1).
pp. 533-554.
ISSN 0025-1909
Morgan, S G, Cunningham, C and Hanley, G E (2010) Individual and contextual determinants of regional variation in prescription drug use: an analysis of administrative data from British Columbia. PLoS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203
Morgan, S and Cunningham, C (2010) Listening for prescriptions: a national consultation on pharmaceutical policy issues. Healthcare Policy, 6 (2). pp. 48-66. ISSN 1715-6572
Morgan, S and Cunningham, C (2011) Population aging and the determinants of healthcare expenditures: the case of hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care in British Columbia, 1996 to 2006. Healthcare Policy, 7 (1). pp. 68-79. ISSN 1715-6572
Morgan, S, Hanley, G E, Cunningham, C and Quan, H (2011) Ethnic differences in the use of prescription drugs: a cross-sectional analysis of linked survey and administrative data. Open Medicine, 5 (2). e87-e92. ISSN 1911-2092
Puyat, J H, Hanley, G E, Cunningham, C, Law, M R, Wong, S T, Sutherland, J M and Morgan, S G (2011) Ethnic disparities in antipsychotic drug use in British Columbia: a cross-sectional retrospective study. Psychiatric Services, 62 (9). pp. 1026-1031. ISSN 1075-2730
Rajan, B, Tezcan, T and Seidmann, A
Service Systems with Heterogeneous Customers: Investigating the Effect of Telemedicine on Chronic Care.
Management Science, 65 (3).
pp. 1236-1267.
ISSN 0025-1909
Ramdas, K, Saleh, K, Stern, S and Liu, H
Variety and Experience: Learning and Forgetting in the Use of Surgical Devices.
Management Science, 64 (6).
pp. 2590-2608.
ISSN 0025-1909
Ramdas, K and Swaminathan, S
Patients could share virtual medical appointments for better access to telemedicine.
Nature Medicine, 27 (1).
pp. 14-16.
ISSN 1078-8956
Savva, N (2015) Maximising care. London Business School Review, 26 (4). pp. 8-9. ISSN 2057-1607
Savva, N and Keskinocak, P
A review of the healthcare-management (modeling) literature published at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 22 (1).
pp. 59-72.
ISSN 1523-4614
Scott, A, Bloom, D.E. and Ataguba, J.E.
A timely call to establish an international convention on the
rights of older people.
The Lancet Healthy Longevity, 2 (9).
ISSN 2666-7568.
Vakili, K and McGahan, A M (2016) Healthcare's grand challenge: basic science on diseases that primarily afflict the poor. Academy of Management Journal, 59 (6). pp. 1917-1939. ISSN 0001-4273
Woods, T, Palmarini, N, Corner, L, Barzilai, N, Bethell, J, Cox, L S, Eyre, H, Ferrucci, L, Fried, L, Furman, D, Kennedy, B, Roddam, A, Scott, A and Siow, R C
Quantum healthy longevity for healthy people, planet, and growth.
The Lancet Healthy Longevity.
(In Press)
Morgan, S, Cunningham, C, Hanley, G E and Mooney, D (2009) The British Columbia Rx atlas, 2nd edition. Centre for Health Services and Policy Research (CHSPR), British Columbia.
Bebitoglu, Basak (2023) Essays on behavioral operations in the emergency departments. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Delana, K (2019) Essays on healthcare-delivery innovation. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Sonmez, Nazli (2021) Data-driven analysis of operational innovations in healthcare delivery. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.