Items where subject area is Strategy and Entrepreneurship (2017)

Agarwal, R, Dushnitsky, G, Lumpin, G T, Wright, M and Zott, C (2017) Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal at 10: retrospect and prospect. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11 (3). pp. 197-199. ISSN 1932-4391
Alemany, L (2017) Financiación Para las Empresas Sociales. Discussion Paper. Instituto de Innovación Social ESADE, Barcelona.
Bermiss, Y S, Hallen, B L, Pahnke, E C and McDonald, R (2017) Entrepreneurial beacons: the Yale endowment, run-ups, and the growth of venture capital. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (3). pp. 545-565. ISSN 0143-2095
Bianchi, E C and Mohliver, A (2017) Are recessions good for morality? : evidence that ethical behavior improves when the economy falters. [Conference proceeding]
Birkinshaw, J
Reflections on open strategy.
Long Range Planning, 50 (3).
pp. 423-426.
ISSN 0024-6301
Birkinshaw, J, Ambos, T C and Bouquet, C
Boundary spanning activities of corporate HQ executives: insights from a longitudinal study.
Journal of Management Studies, 54 (4).
pp. 422-454.
ISSN 0022-2380
Birkinshaw, J and Mark, A (2017) 25 need-to-know MBA models. FT Publishing International, London. ISBN 9781292178899
Birkinshaw, J and Ridderstrale, J (2017) Fast/forward : make your company fit for the future. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. ISBN 9780804799539
Brahm, F, Tarzijan, J and Singer, M (2017) The Impact of Frictions in Routine Execution on Economies of Scope. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (10). pp. 2121-2142. ISSN 0143-2095
Brands, R and Fernandez-Mateo, I
Leaning Out: How Negative Recruitment Experiences Shape Women’s Decisions to Compete for Executive Roles.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 62 (3).
pp. 405-442.
ISSN 0001-8392
Cable, D and Birkinshaw, J (2017) The dark side of transparency. McKinsey Quarterly, 1. pp. 88-95. ISSN 0047-5394
Cara, M and Birkinshaw, J
Structural versus experienced complexity : a new perspective on the relationship between organizational complexity and innovation.
Advances in Strategic Management.
Emerald, Bradford, pp. 115-150.
ISBN 9781787430808
Castellaneta, F, Conti, R and Kacperczyk, O (2017) Money secrets: How does trade secret legal protection affect firm market value? Evidence from the uniform trade secret act. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (4). pp. 834-853. ISSN 0143-2095
Crilly, D
Time and Space in Strategy Discourse: Implications for Intertemporal Choice.
Strategic Management Journal, 38 (12).
pp. 2370-2389.
ISSN 0143-2095
Drover, W, Busenitz, L, Matusik, S, Townsend, D, Anglin, A and Dushnitsky, G
A review and road map of entrepreneurial equity financing research.
Journal of Management, 43 (6).
pp. 1820-1853.
ISSN 0149-2063
Dushnitsky, G and Klueter, T
Which industries are served by online marketplaces for technology?
Research Policy, 46 (3).
pp. 651-666.
ISSN 0048-7333
del Pozo, L and Alemany, L (2017) El capital riesgo filantrópico en España: situación y perspectivas (Philanthropic venture capital in Spain: Current situation and future perspectives). Anuario de Capital Riesgo, 2017. pp. 301-318. ISSN 2444-2259
Gao, C, Zuzul, T, Jones, G and Khanna, T
Overcoming institutional voids: a reputation-based view of long run survival.
Strategic Management Journal, 38 (11).
pp. 2147-2167.
ISSN 0143-2095
Gupta, K (2017) Organizational pursuit of multiple performance goals-recommendations on strategy and structure. Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Jacobides, M G (2017) Public administration and the tragic Trident: understanding the organizational and structural drivers of the Greek malaise. In: Beyond austerity: reforming the Greek economy. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, pp. 621-676.
Kacperczyk, O and Younkin, P
The Paradox of Breadth: The Tension between Experience and Legitimacy in the Transition to Entrepreneurship.
Administrative Science Quarterly, 62 (4).
pp. 731-764.
ISSN 0001-8392
Markides, C (2017) Maximizing shareholder value is the wrong thing to be pursuing. In: Dear CEO: 50 personal letters from the world's leading business thinkers. Bloomsbury Business, London. ISBN 9781472950680
Misangyi, V, Greckhamer, T, Furnari, S, Fiss, P, Crilly, D and Aguilera, R
Embracing causal complexity: the emergence of a neo-configurational perspective.
Journal of Management, 43 (1).
pp. 255-282.
ISSN 0149-2063
Monteiro, F and Birkinshaw, J (2017) The external knowledge sourcing process in multinational corporations. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (2). pp. 342-362. ISSN 0143-2095
Monteiro, F, Mol, M and Birkinshaw, J (2017) Ready to be open? Explaining the firm level barriers to benefiting from openness to external knowledge. Long Range Planning, 50 (2). pp. 282-295. ISSN 0024-6301
Ody-Brasier, A and Fernandez-Mateo, I
When Being in the Minority Pays Off: Relationships among Sellers and Price Setting in the Champagne Industry.
American Sociological Review, 82 (1).
pp. 147-178.
ISSN 0003-1224
Stroube, B (2017) The role of allegations in the labeling of wrongdoers: misconduct in the Chicago Police Department. [Conference proceeding]
Sull, D and Turconi, S (2017) How to recognize a strategic priority when you see one. MIT Sloan Management Review. ISSN 1532-9194
Sull, D, Turconi, S, Sull, C and Yoder, J (2017) Four logics of corporate strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review. ISSN 1532-9194
Sull, D, Turconi, S, Sull, C and Yoder, J (2017) How to develop strategy for execution. MIT Sloan Management Review. ISSN 1532-9194
Teodoridis, F, Vakili, K and Bikard, M (2017) Can specialization foster creativity? : mathematics and the collapse of the Soviet Union. [Conference proceeding]
Vermeulen, F (2017) Breaking bad habits: defy industry norms and reinvigorate your business. Harvard Business Review Press, Boston, Massachusetts. ISBN 9781633693821
Vermeulen, F and Sivanathan, N (2017) Stop doubling down on your failing strategy: how to spot (and escape one before it's too late). Harvard Business Review, 95 (6). pp. 110-117. ISSN 0017-8012