Items where Year is 2005

Acharya, V, Almeida, H and Campello, M (2005) Is cash negative debt?: a hedging perspective on corporate financial policies. Working Paper. London Business School nan.
Acharya, V, Bharath, S T and Srinivasan, A (2005) Does industry-wide distress affect defaulted firms?: evidence from creditor recoveries. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Acharya, V and Bisin, A (2005) Managerial hedging, equity ownership, and firm value. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Acharya, V, John, K and Sundaram, R K (2005) Cross-country variations in capital structures: the role of bankruptcy codes. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Acharya, V and Johnson, T (2005) Insider trading in credit derivatives. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Acharya, V and Yorulmazer, T (2005) Cash-in-the-market pricing and optimal bank bailout policy. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Acharya, V and Yorulmazer, T (2005) Limited liability and bank herding. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Ambler, TFJ and Roberts, J H (2005) Beware the silver metric: marketing performance measurement has to be multidimensional. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for Marketing Working Paper.
Bhaumik, S K and Piesse, J (2005) The risk aversion of banks in emerging credit markets: Evidence from India. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Birkinshaw, J, Hamel, G and Mol, MJ (2005) Management innovation. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Birkinshaw, J and Hill, S A (2005) Typology of corporate venture units: exploration, exploitation and locus of opportunity. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Davydenko, Sergei
Essays on risky debt.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Done, Adrian
The evolving supply chain: an empirical investigation of the impact of knowledge dimensions in manufacturing and service supply chains.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Dow, J, Gorton, G and Krishnamurthy, A (2005) Equilibrium investment and asset prices under imperfect corporate control. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Dow, J and Raposo, C (2005) CEO compensation, change and corporate strategy. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Estrin, S and Tian, L (2005) Retained state shareholding in Chinese PLCs: Does government ownership reduce corporate value? Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Friebel, G and Guriev, SG (2005) Attaching Workers through In-Kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia. World Bank Economic Review, 19 (2). pp. 175-202. ISSN 0258-6770
Guriev, SG and Kvasov, D (2005) Contracting on Time. American Economic Review, 95 (5). pp. 1369-1385. ISSN 0002-8282
Guriev, SG and Rachinsky, A
The Role of Oligarchs in Russian Capitalism.
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 19 (1).
pp. 131-150.
ISSN 0895-3309
Jacobides, M G and Billinger, S K (2005) Designing the boundaries of the firm: from "make, buy or ally" to the dynamic benefits of vertical architecture. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Johnson, T (2005) Dynamic liquidity in endowment economies. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Monteiro, I F, Arvidsson, N and Birkinshaw, J (2005) Knowledge flows within multinational corporations: why are some subsidiaries isolated? Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Nye, Z R and Johnson, T (2005) Market efficiency's hidden teeth: an unambiguous test for derivative securities. Working Paper. London Business School IFA Working Paper.
Papaioannou, E
Essays on the political economy of economic and financial development.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Prevezer, M and Tang, H (2005) Policy induced clusters: the genesis of biotechnology clustering on the east coast of China. Working Paper. London Business School Centre for New and Emerging Markets Discussion Paper Series.
Puntoni, Stefano
Effect of social context on advertising reception.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Puranam, P and Gulati, R (2005) Socail and contractual structure of vertical relationships. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Puranam, P and Jacobides, M G (2005) Why interface specification varies between organizations. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Puranam, P and Kretschmer, T (2005) Social expectations and organization design. Working Paper. London Business School Strategic and International Management Working Paper.
Rocha, H
Entrepreneurship and regional development: the role of clusters.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Rossi, S
Developed stock markets: causes and consequences.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Sanzhar, Sergey
Essays in corporate finance.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Siourounis, G
Essays on exchange rates, capital flows and growth.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.
Smith, N C, Simpson, S S and Huang, C-Y (2005) Breaking the rules: the failure of moral and legal prohibitions against corporate crime. Working Paper. London Business School nan.
Zheng, Congcong
Essays on the internationalization of entrepreneurial firms.
Doctoral thesis, University of London: London Business School.